Friday, 8 April 2016

Sem Malai Curry

Sem Malai Curry

Ingredients :

Sem - 250 Gms
Mustard Seeds : 4 TSP
Cummin Seeds : 2 TSP
Green Chilli : 2 Nos 
Garlic flakes : 6 -7 Nos
Onion - 1 Nos
Sugar - 2 TSP
Salt - As per your taste
Milk - 1 cup
Oil - 2 TSP

Preparation Method :

1. Half Boil Sem in water with 1/2 TSP salt. Drain all the excess water from it.
2. Make a fine paste of Cummmin seed, Garlic flakes, Mustard seeds, Green Chilli and a little bit of salt.
3. Heat oil in a pan, add 1/2 TSP Cummin seed and 1/2 TSP Mustard seeds, let them flutter.
4. Add Chopped onion to it and cook it untill it becomes golden brown.
5. Add half boiled sem, salt, milk to it. Cook it in medium flame to make it a bit thick.
6. Add sugar to it and cook it for 1/2 minute and remove it from flame.
7. Your Sem Malai Curry is ready to eat.
8. Serve it hot and enjoy.

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